but i did enjoy that moment..jalan2 mp..beli burger king..sedappnyeee..nyum2..amik pic kat dataran pahlawan..setelah sekian lame baru menapakkan diri ke situ.. :P then lepak2 kat gloria jeans..ni sume coz addicted ngan cite coffee prince tu...hahaha..walaupun aku tak suke coffee tp bolela skit2..curik2 rase org punye..hehe..hepynye amik pic byk2.. ^_^
then gi mbmb,amik pic lagi..jln2..best2...tenkiu my fren, makk maksu n kak nad! yang plg best dpt main lompat2..haha..that thing we call 'ketupat gergasi' rupenye trampoline n bungee jumping...kelaka jekk...tak sangka dpt main 'ketupat' nih..n kiteorg berjaya membongkar rahsia besar makk..haha..akhirnya makk..rahsia itu bkn rahsia lagi..kui kui..
but then sgtla best lompat2 kat situ..me, makk n maksu..comeynye lompat2 tu.. :D n kak nad, next time u must try tau! tq tlg amik pic kami...yeay! lagi best kalo ili n hana ade..huhu..
after that blk la..dah mlm pun..esk keje..abisla ngantukk..huhuhu..a nite wif my companion..thanks guys..gonna miss u lotsss!
credits to my dear sweetheart for da camera too! :)
burger king.. ;)
trampoline bungee!! peace..
to makk..thanks for everything,take gud care..gud luck on ur training..i know u can do it!
to maksu..always take care my dear maksu..best of luck for ur future..wish u hepy always..thanks!
to kak nad..gonna miss u..thanks for ur companion..till we meet again..dtg mlk jgn lupekn saye! take care..
to ili n hana..both of u always in my heart..miss u guys a lot..take gud care!
to me..wish all my dreams come true..insyaAllah
to makk..thanks for everything,take gud care..gud luck on ur training..i know u can do it!
to maksu..always take care my dear maksu..best of luck for ur future..wish u hepy always..thanks!
to kak nad..gonna miss u..thanks for ur companion..till we meet again..dtg mlk jgn lupekn saye! take care..
to ili n hana..both of u always in my heart..miss u guys a lot..take gud care!
to me..wish all my dreams come true..insyaAllah
1 comment:
keep in touch will ur relationship...
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